Brooklyn Industrial School Association and Home for Destitute Children Annual Reports collection 1859-1910


Brooklyn Industrial School Association and Home for Destitute Children Annual Reports collection 1859-1910

0.4 cubic feet; in one manuscript box


SNAC Resource ID: 6329902

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

Brooklyn Industrial School Association and Home for Destitute Children. (corporateBody)

The Brooklyn Industrial School Association was founded in 1854 and formally incorporated in 1857 to provide education, food, and shelter to orphaned, abandoned, and otherwise impoverished children in Brooklyn. It operated schools throughout Brooklyn that enrolled several hundred students per year, as well as the Home for Destitute Children, built in 1862 on Butler Street (now Sterling Place) near Flatbush Avenue. The Association's approach to its work was expressly religious in nature, with a st...